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Train That Brain!

Why is it that some folks can jump out of bed in the morning like a spring chicken and others get all slugish and and feel like they have a ton of bricks is on their shoulders?

Well it can be as easy as how well you train that brain of yours.

While I won’t claim to be a brain specialist of any sort, I will let you in on my own personal habits I hold to keep my brain exercised and productive. But before we get to that, let me tell you a little story.

I have been guilty of being a couch potato at one small point in my life years ago. What I started realizing is that my memory was in the territory of CRS syndrome. I was not as enthusiastic when I got up in the morning and was really losing my edge.

It really hit me hard when I found that I could remember what the last episode of Oprah was about but I couldn’t for the life of me remember scheduled meetings or even where I put my shoes.

I was at the bottom of the bottom as far as having a healthy brain goes.

I started doing some research on what would cause the fatigue I was going through. I was young, healthy, had a thriving business that allowed me to take breaks whenever I wanted….WHOA stop the car!

Yep, I took breaks whenever I wanted and I was so bored on those breaks that I would veg in front of the “Boob Tube”!

Ah Ha…

There lies the golden cracked egg that lowered my energy, my will and finally my productivity.

Fortunately this did not last for too long. I learned at that point I was turning my brain to nothing more that a big bowl of mush and had to train my brain to snap back into the healthy condition it was in before my little set back.

This happens to the best of us at time or another in our lives. I am cetain of that. I have talked to many people about it and get the same response every time. “I have totally been there” Some still are and are happy with the new mush bowl. However if it is productivity you are after and te want to get yourself back to where you were when you were at your high point in life, you absolutely want to get that brain going in the right direction. Once you do, you willbe jumping right back out of that bed in the morning full of life and excitement for what the day will give to you.

Here are a few little execises I have learned to help keep stimulated throughout the day!

1. Go for a brisk walk. This will pump that much needed oxegyn to the brain.
2. Switch hands while using the mouse for your computor.
3. Go somewhere you have not been before, even if it’s a differnet grocery store or coffee shop.
4. Read something completely unrelated to your daily life. “This is one of my favorites simply for the fact that that I am learning something new all the time and it really get the thought processes going.
I have actually created more money making opportunities while doing this that anything.
It’s really cool.”

There are also some cool games you can get into that will stimulate brain waves and get it trained and exercised at the same time.

I am checking into this one myself so I can do another blog on this.

Brain Games

Have A Productive Day!
Rhonda Giarraffa

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

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